Monday, October 29, 2012 Never a day without lowcarb good news !


Just got back from my first NHS clinic after getting diagnosed in July with type 2. I was off work for a month back then feeling terrible and had no idea what was wrong with me. The first week was hell in that I had all sorts of nasty symptoms (numbness in feet and arms, rapid heartbeat, drinking too much, stress, tiredness) and i was totally lost. My Dr told me too eat lots of fruit and healthily and my sugar levels went up 4 points after eating an apple! At this time my BG level was 19!

Help was at hand though as I found this forum and Daisy's initial advice saved me! I've been low carbing and exercising and just taking one met with dinner. I'm now at 6 (and I've lost 2.5 stones) and the nurse described it as miraculous!"

Join and tell your good news story.

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