Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Last Post.

Apart from linking to the new forum, our two other blogs and our diabetes website, this will be the last post on this blog. The reasons for it’s continuance no longer exist. It was set up to give people a voice, a voice that was denied elsewhere. We now have the new forum and our other blogs. This blog was also set up to take on tyrannical and idiotic forum moderators. With help from some good friends, we brought about the downfall of the worst offenders. These and other miscreants hang around on other forums and blogs. Their main roll seems to be ridiculing good people (present company exempted) and posting lies. Carbo once said “if my employer found out this blog was mine I would lose my job” or words to that effect, hence his need for staying anonymous. Says all you need to know about the man and his followers.

One blog will be a place to read useful and current diabetes comment and news. The other offering recipes, good food information and links to good food sites. We also have our website. Thank you to all the people that took the time to read our posts, and post your positive comments.  When we started this blog a few years back, we hoped to get a hundred people or so a month read it. Last week in one day we received over 2700 page views. In the first 18 days of November 29462 page views, thank you again for your precious time, you the readers made this blog work. We will be checking on this blog from time to time, for any positive comments you may wish to make, thank you for your time. A special thank you to my co editors Graham and John, without them it would never have got off the ground.

As you would expect, our fight against dietary stupidity, and poor diabetes information, that has caused the early death of millions of diabetics goes on. Please look in on the new forum and our other blogs. Why not join the forum and make a real difference. You could help a person keep their eyesight, keep their limbs and kidney function, all it takes is a little bit of your time. Other diabetics and forum posters saved our small team from the grim outcomes poorly controlled diabetes can bring, you can do the same for others.

Good luck and health to you and yours.

Eddie Mitchell

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