Thursday, January 10, 2013

Alex Jones goes bat shit on the Piers Morgan show. It’s not the guns it’s big pharma Alex says !

As anyone who reads this blog knows, we are no fans of big pharma. Sure drugs and medicines save millions every year, but we believe big pharma drugs kills and maims millions every year. The billions of $ in fines over the last few years, prove big pharma are dishonest and profit comes before patient safety, far too often.

Alex Jones is a conspiracy theorist and a madman say some, others believe he is the voice of truth and freedom. Check out this recent interview, which will be on UK TV this week, and ask yourself would you want to be around Jones if he was armed ? Whatever Alex Jones agenda is, he blew it big time on this occasion. He blames big pharma for the 11,000 gun killings a year in the US, in the UK 35 people were killed by guns last year.

Let’s get a few things straight here, we have our fair share of mentally disturbed people in the UK, and there is no shortage of people on mind changing meds, could it be our low death by guns rate, is because very few people own guns ? Could it be most people would not want to own a gun in the UK, even if the law was not as strict as it is ? It’s the last thing I would ever want to own, whether legal or not.

Let’s face it, high power automatic weapons, mentally ill people, and drugs are a deadly combination. Now we can’t stop people becoming mentally ill, and big pharma drugs help many, so they are here to stay, guns are the problem, as the gun death stats prove.

Check this short video out, and tell me Alex is not out to lunch ! Eddie

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